Are you Happy?

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Many times, people think they have depression or even receive a diagnosis of depression before evaluating what is happening in their life.

Here’s my thought on that:

Have you ever thought that maybe we should try to get in order the 30+ things in your life that are wildly chaotic?

At that point, with everything in order, if you are still depressed, THEN it is time to move forward with treatment or medication.

So many times, the medical and mental health world jump to the conclusion that a client has depression, that they need intense psychotherapy, or medication.

Depression or chaos?

Here’s a good list of questions to consider when evaluating if your life is in chaos:

  • How is your sleep?
  • What does your diet look like?
  • Are you getting outside for at least 15 minutes every day?
  • Do you have unresolved conflict? Are there people in your life making it difficult to function?
  • What does your social life look like? Do you feel supported?

I talk a lot about the first 3 items, so let’s talk about the last two.

Do you have people making your life difficult? Do you have unresolved conflict?

It’s time to remove people from your life that you are able to in order to have more peace and less toxicity. Where are the areas you can accomplish this?

I know the stress and reality of not having that option. Of not being able to remove certain anxiety-inducing people, and THAT is definitely when counsel and guidance can go a long way in helping to cope with it. That can be another discussion for another day as it’s a bit more complicated and emotional.

Do you need to please everyone?


Do you need to make everyone happy?

That’s ridiculous. Happiness is a choice that only you can choose. No one “makes” another person happy or unhappy.

It’s time to start prioritizing the best choices for your life so that you can, in turn, be the best version of yourself for others in your life.

The minute you start taking those small steps to address the chaos in your life, your sense of joy and freedom will exponentially grow. 

Feeling overwhelmed can feel hopeless.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Take a look at those things in your life that might not seem related to depression. Because it absolutely is related and impacts your ability to be rid of those thoughts.

Gain back the energy and hopeful thoughts and life you deserve.