Small Steps for success

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Is anxiety debilitating and controlling your life? Are you having depressive thoughts that you feel you can’t shake?

Sometimes thinking that you can heal and feel whole again feels impossible and futile. It might feel like you’ve tried everything and still struggle. That nothing will help.

But what if I told you, a variety of simple & doable changes could launch you on a course to make substantial changes for your mental health?

A number of studies published out of the National Library of Medicine have had strong supporting evidence and successful results of vastly improved mental health through diet modification and lifestyle improvement. This included things like

  • daily exercise with a minimum of 150 minutes per week
  • removing a number of inflammatory foods from the participants’ diet
  • focusing on the importance of sleep (See study reference at the bottom of the page).

Let’s have a talk

One of the first things I talk about with my clients when they see me is the quality of their diet, exercise, and sleep. Although it might not seem like the issue at hand, there is without fail, always something that is lacking in those three areas. More times than not, the response is something like this:

“But that’s not why I’m here. You don’t understand how hard A. B. and C. are to handle and how overwhelmed I feel.”

My heart goes out to them. It is so overwhelming and so daunting to overcome some of the things that happen in our lives.

But, I can always, with confidence, reassure them that by addressing one of these three things, they will have a greater sense of strength and fight to face these battles with each passing day.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been able to support my clients to address even just one factor in these areas and seen a massive change in their lives. A lot of the times, I offer them my daily texting support in accomplishing these goals day by day, and GUESS WHAT?

It works.

Success Stories

  • I had a client who decided to decrease inflammatory foods as her change and within one week, she was able to talk HERSELF out of an anxious thought process that she hadn’t been able to do before.
  • Another client saw his acne clear up so noticeably that his family asked what medicine he was using to do so, and his social anxiety plummeted.
  • Another client finally found relief in chronic pain that was causing him to have depressive thoughts.

Think about the simplicity of each of these and decide today to tackle even just one. You won’t regret your decision.

Loughman A, Staudacher HM, Rocks T, Ruusunen A, Marx W, O Apos Neil A, Jacka FN. Diet and Mental Health. Mod Trends Psychiatry. 2021;32:100-112. doi: 10.1159/000510422. Epub 2021 May 6. PMID: 34032648.

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